E36/215 folio 232 ( Payments ), 1513 [modernised text]
to Doctor West upon a warrant going Ambasset
to the king of Scots for 60 days after the
Rate of
20 s
by the day
£ 60

Item to Rogecrosse pursuivant at arms upon the
same warrant for his costs for 60 dais at
2 s
the day
£ 6

Item to Thomas Cheny upon a warrant upon a loan
to be repaid by obligation of the statute of the
staple at thende of 3 years
£ 400

Item delivered to John dance upon a warrant
signed to be employed about the King's warers 40000
li. And also upon the same warrant delivered to
the said John dance for p
vision of vitall for the
King's army by the land w
the conveyance of the
same over the see and for p
vision of horses & other
£ 51000
sum of the whole warrant is
£ 11080

sum page
£ 11546
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